Combining Border Security, Environmental Sustainability, and Economic Prosperity.

The ECCS: a new perspective.

Mission of the ECCS project

The ECCS address the "root causes" of emigration into the United States; poverty, insecurity, and the desire for a better life.  The ECCS is a compromise solution to this humanitarian issue.  The ECCS is a (Thermal Energy Capture and Conversion System) that transforms sections of this border security structure into something that not only provides border security, but also both environmental and humanitarian benefits, thus promoting bi-national economic prosperity.  The ECCS produces the power needed to purify water, produce more food, educate people, and provide meaningful employment, in essence, all the basic needs of humanity, and what is desperately needed in both of our countries.

ECCS Video Clip w Narrative V3.mp4

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Project Overview

Without detrimentally affecting the recently improved border security structure in any way, nor inhibit it from performing its intended function of providing border security, we believe we can "transform" some geographically appropriate sections of this public infrastructure project into a linear Green Energy Conversion and Transportation System, or (ECCS), capable of delivering upon the following:

Effort 1 - Public Awareness & Marketing

We believe the new border security structure is functionally inefficient, and can be dramatically improved.  The goal of our research is to prove to the governments of both counties, as well as to private industry, that it's entirely feasible to simultaneously have both Border Security while increasing both countries supply of sustainable energy, potable water, food, and employment along our southern border by "transforming" this existing steel barrier into a thermal energy machine to produce clean renewable power.

By transforming a piece of public infrastructure intended for a single purpose, that of border security, into a linear Energy Conversion and Transportation System, or (ECCS) through bi-national cooperation, this project will not only help to mitigate the localized effects of carbon pollution, but also global climate change as a whole. It will not only provide border security, but it also addresses the fundamental or causal effects of increased emigration and crime. 

Electric Power Generation, Water Purification, and Food Production all in a single unified system.

Effort 2 - Potential and Transformative impact 

Our team of academic researchers and graduate engineering students from the ASU Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) program, in collaboration with other public and private research organizations and universities intend to locate and construct a test site to prove the validity of this concept. The creative and innovative aspect of our research project is that we intend to simultaneously address renewable energy production, water purification and conservation, border security, food production, and bi-national employment by transforming an underutilized piece of public infrastructure into an Energy Capture and Conversion System or (ECCS) right along our southern border.

Sustainable Hydrogen and/or Ammonia Production

The ECCS could also be become a part of the Southwest Clean Hydrogen Innovation Network. See: 

While large scale production of hydrogen is not currently planned to be a component for our initial test bed site in Yuma, AZ, the ECCS concept could be expanded, to include the large scale, sustainable production of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and/or Ammonia, since the all basic components and the mechanical processes; (Hydrogen and Oxygen gas, Anode Reaction: 2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e- Cathode Reaction: 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2) as required for producing these elements are already a part of the ECTS.

Small scale production of both Hydrogen and Oxygen, and as well as Ammonia Based Nitrogen fertilizer are already planned to be part of the design for the ECTS, but for onsite use only in this phase of development.

Effort 3 -  ECCS Initial Project Concept

Without compromising visibility, or the primary purpose of the new border security structure, our preliminary research shows that it's economically feasible to transform some portions of the recently constructed border structure into a source of thermal energy.  We can then capture and transform this heat energy into other forms of usable power. Sections of this massive thermal radiator will be transformed into a linear thermal absorber, thus creating a new and continuous source of renewable energy.  A non-polluting, non-carbon based source of sustainable energy to help mitigate the effects of hydrocarbon emissions, and generate other forms of power and biological energy.  Power to produce and transport electrical energy, purify water, produce food and fertilizer, and increase bi-national employment.

Effort 4 - Research Objective

Water Conservation achieved through water purification and reuse.

Our team’s objective is to develop a closed-loop, “linear" thermal energy capture and transport system or ECCS.  Without compromising the intended security function of the recently constructed border separation structure in any way, we intend to utilize and augment the structure in of itself to create and capture a continuous flow of high-temperature thermal energy.  This thermal energy stream will then be transformed into other forms of useable power, and/or other forms of biological energy, which can be used to then purify water, generate electricity, and produce food resources.

The ECCS incorporates and employs many innovative water purification recycling, and conservation methods or techniques.  The system will also incorporate bio-mass and bio-remediation principles to enhance water filtration and augment energy production.  Since the ECCS is a “closed-loop” water conservation and recycling system, addressing both the water waste and inefficiency, which is inherent in traditional large scale agricultural production methods.  Most of the water used throughout the ECCS system and stations will be recycled and used to increase food production, both agriculture and aquaculture, then bio purified prior to being returned to its original source.  

Once fully researched and developed, the (ECCS) could be installed at three or more locations along our southern border with Mexico.  The purpose of the ECCS is to simultaneously mitigate  both the effects of increased global warming , increased U.S. emigration, while still providing border security.  Our proposed test beds will be used to produce bi-national commodities, electrical power, educational training in operational management, and other employment at or near the sites of performance.

Water purification & reclamation

Sustainable Environmental Habitats

Controlled Environment Agriculture 

Verticle Farming

Proposed Water Distillation Station Conceptual Sections

Effort 5 - Place of Performance

Our proposed initial test bed is planned to be located adjacent to the border in Yuma County, Arizona, other (ECCS) test beds are proposed for research trials in other states; one will be near the Pacific Ocean within San Diego County, California, and two within the sate of Texas, one in the Rio Grande Valley and one near the gulf of Mexico in Cameron County, Texas.

Education and Employment

Power Plant Operations

The ECCS requires monitoring of its critical operational systems, and daily maintenance in order to operate at peak efficiency.  These are teachable skills, for either onsite, or offsite  employment in other related industrial sectors.  

While providing functional daily operations is the primary purpose of the ECCS, our secondary purpose is to be a job training facility.

A bi-national job training facility where people of all ethnicity's can learn new employment skills, by learning how operate sustainable environmental systems.

Questions?  Please see additional pages.

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 The ECCS Project

ECCS Mission Statement

Our organizational mission is to collaborate with others who are seeking to develop sustainable energy systems a for humanitarian purposes.